Thursday, March 12, 2009

Our Tack List

Our tack list includes things we want, things we need, things we have... my ramblings on tack and supplies! Everything i NEED to buy is bolded, everyting i have is not.

First thing i want to do is build a nice big tack trunk. I have a spacious locker at the barn but for traveling it would be super nice to have everything in one place- so that's the first detail. It must be portable and as light weight as possible! I want to get a new tack box (for carrying around the barn, brushes ect.) that is enclosed and with a handle. Right now i have one of those open ones and things are always falling out and flying everywhere! I'd also like to get a similar container for my vet supplies so they're portable and contained. The container they have now has a lid which won't stay put.

For the Cross Country Phase my list goes as follows; close contact saddle, girth with a stud guard belly plate, an over girth, an elastic breastplate, figure eight bridle, fulmer bit, woof boots front and back, cross country vest.

For Dressage; I'm borrowing a friend's dressage saddle, black bridle (gotta mach the saddle!), he's going bootless which is easy, a white dressage pad, and my show jack and attire!

For Stadium; Close contact saddle, figure 8 OR cavesson bridle, loose ring or D ring bit, new leather jumper boots (so pretty<3) style="font-style: italic;">in the trailer; hay, water (and all the other basic care essentials), electrolytes, blue lotion, linament, a fleecey blankie, his summer sheet, his shipping boots, poll guard, full sized first aid kit, and i'm sure there are many others!

Todays thoughts: Bits!

Boomer uses a rubber D ring. He was trained in this bit. My first concern is that it may be a tad too small, not enough to cause discomfort but i would like to check it out when i get home. I am considering switching him over to a happy-mouth loose ring. Some research i did reccently said " loose rings or sliding mouth peices give more mobility to the bit. These are good for a horse that is fixed in it's jaw."Boomer is 90% of the time very giving and accepting in the mouth, but there are moments where he fixes his jaw and stiffens up. The fixed bit, like a D is said to "have less mobility and are good for horses with an anxious mouth." This doesn't suit him at all. I'm also considering getting a fulmer for cross country. Benefits being that the fulmer can't be pulled through his mouth thanks to the full cheek peices. It is loose ring so it doesn't create a fixed mouth peice. My only concern is that it is more likley to get caught on something in cross country because of the shafts. If anyone has an expertise/advice i'd love to hear it!

Thats all for todays post.


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